Pre-School Rugby Orpington. Based at Westcombe Park RFC on Sunday morning. 4 Week Introductory trial for just £35.

Meet Sidney Safe Hands

Sidney Safe Hands is the RUGGERBUGS MASCOT

He engages with the RUGGERBUGS in helping them to develop and enhance their skills.

He is easily identifiable as the RUGGERBUGS logo and whilst he is physically not able to be at the sessions his spirit resonates throughout every session by way of introduction at the start of a session, the skills, drills and games that your child will play and the “Sidney Sticker” Tunnel at the end. All of this ensures everyone has lots of FUN.

SIDNEY Safe-Hands is an inspirational role model, and his attributes can be found in every team, whether that is Rugby or another sport.

He is the best passer, the best catcher, the best kicker, and the fastest runner in the team.

Whilst not everyone can be everything, RUGGERBUGS strive to enable and encourage ALL children to be the best they possibly can at whatever they do.

The Sidney Skills Awards at RUGGERBUGS. Celebrating your child's personal achievements with our skills chart.
Cheering Sidney from Ruggerbugs
Catching Sidney from Ruggerbugs

Sidney Skills Awards

In order to try to assist your child to be the best they can possibly be at whatever they do, over the past few years we have developed our unique Sidney Skills Awards.

The purpose of our unique “Sidney Skills Awards” is to give you and our coaches an indication of your child’s physical and social development progression during their RUGGERBUGS journey.

It is about celebrating your child’s personal achievements. They are not in any competition with other children in their class and there is no pressure or timescales placed on your child for completing these levels.Traditional stories carry the history and value of culture.

Whilst we would like the children to remain within their relevant peer groups, we recognise that every child is different and develops at their own pace. Our skills chart is therefore an excellent way for us to work together to identify what your child can do, what needs a little more practice and when they are ready to move up to the next class.

These skills are a central part of our membership so you can track your child’s journey through RUGGERBUGS they are therefore in the centre pages of our Members Booklet which you receive when you join in full.

Kicking Sidney from Ruggerbugs
Graduation Sidney from Ruggerbugs
Observation Sidney from Ruggerbugs